The Dig In Weblog

DIG IN initiates inclusive community and cultural plans and actions that will contribute to sustaining a neighbourhood that is GREEN • CLEAN • SAFE • CIVIL by fostering improvements in the areas of its social, environment, cultural, economic and physical make up. Please join our Mailing List / Yahoo Group.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

DIG IN to DOCS: Mark your Calendars!!

DIGIN TO DOCS Film Screening Series
Monthly screenings of award-winning films. Join us as we delve into worlds rarely seen; and celebrate how courageous people are daring to make a difference.

Bloor Collegiate
1141 Bloor St west
Pay What You Can - suggested donations: $4 per person, $8 per family


Cheating Death takes us inside the mind of a man still struggling with the temptations of the street, while at the same time trying to serve God. This documentary is a journey into the world of drugs, gangs and guns - a world much talked about and feared but rarely understood.

Confirmed guests include Gyasi Ferdinand, subject of Cheating Death; Karim Ismaili, Associate Professor & Interim Chair, Dept of Criminal Justice and Criminology at Ryerson University; Staff Sergeant Frank Besenthal, Toronto Police Services (14 Division)

April 14th 7pm THROUGH A BLUE LENS

Through a Blue Lens tells a moving and compassionate story. In this documentary, addicts talk openly about how they ended up on the streets. Through their participation in this film, they want to stop others from joining their nightmare.

Confirmed guests include Peter Markwell, John Howard Society; Susan Shepherd, Manager, Toronto Drug Strategy Secretariat; Staff Sergeant Frank Besenthal, Toronto Police Services (14 Division).



Street Health Stories gives a human face and voice to the statistics in the Street Health 2007 Report. Four photographers who have experienced homelessness document the stories of 28 homeless men and women through audio recordings and portrait photography.


A unique crisis team works their cases in downtown Toronto - a mental health nurse and a police officer. Together, they ride the streets of the inner city in an unmarked police car, responding to 911 calls involving what are officially called "emotionally disturbed persons" (EDP). Their mandate is not only to de-escalate crises, but to avoid unnecessary arrests and emergency room visits.

Confirmed guests Kate Mason, Street Health; Kat Cizek, filmmaker; Anne Longair, Director of Hostel Services, City of Toronto; Frank Besenthal, Toronto Police Services (14 Division).

Following each screening, join discussions with experts. Have your say.

Brought to you by DIG IN.

Sponsored by Councillor Adam Giambrone, Toronto District School Board
Trustee Maria Rodrigues, Long & McQuade and the Toronto Police Service (14 Division).
Graphic design services provided by Antoine Moonen.

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