The Dig In Weblog

DIG IN initiates inclusive community and cultural plans and actions that will contribute to sustaining a neighbourhood that is GREEN • CLEAN • SAFE • CIVIL by fostering improvements in the areas of its social, environment, cultural, economic and physical make up. Please join our Mailing List / Yahoo Group.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

DIGIN to DOCS: Street Health Stories & The Interventionists

The last edition of DIG IN to DOCS for this season is tomorrow (May 12th) at 7:00 PM. We will be at Bloor Collegiate (1141 Bloor St West) one last time to showcase two films: Street Health Stories and The Interventionists. The two films are projects from the NFB's Filmmaker-in Residence program. This collaborative initiative with St. Michael's Hospital is the NFB's effort to reach out to communities and places media creation into the hands of the citizens - the agents of true social change. (You may have read about the Filmmaker-in Residence program in the Star or the Globe and Mail recently.) Guests for tomorrows screening include:

  • Kate Mason, Researcher, Street Health
  • Kat Cizek, filmmaker
  • Anne Longair, Director of Hostel Services, City of Toronto
  • 14 Division MCIT Unit - Constable Malcolm Curtis and Connie Stefan
We hope to see you at the screening!
