The Dig In Weblog

DIG IN initiates inclusive community and cultural plans and actions that will contribute to sustaining a neighbourhood that is GREEN • CLEAN • SAFE • CIVIL by fostering improvements in the areas of its social, environment, cultural, economic and physical make up. Please join our Mailing List / Yahoo Group.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

DIGIN Meeting, Tuesday June 8, 2010

DIGIN meets on the second Tuesday of every month. Find us at the Wallace Emerson Community Centre (1260 Dufferin Street), 7PM, in the Ambrico Room.


DIG IN Monthly meeting

Tuesday June 8, 2010

Meeting starts promptly at 7pm

Items for Discussion

  1. A conversation with Ward 18 candidate Ana Bailao
  2. Looking for person to help update DIG IN website
  3. Trillium grant update
  4. Jack Fava - suggestions for Sept. mayoral candidate debate
Any further items to be added?
Adjourn 8:30pm
DIG IN will adjourn for the summer and resume meeting on Sept. 8, 2010.