The Dig In Weblog

DIG IN initiates inclusive community and cultural plans and actions that will contribute to sustaining a neighbourhood that is GREEN • CLEAN • SAFE • CIVIL by fostering improvements in the areas of its social, environment, cultural, economic and physical make up. Please join our Mailing List / Yahoo Group.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

DIGIN Meeting - Tuesday May 10 2011

Tuesday 10 May 2011 @ 7pm

DIG IN Meeting

Ambrico Room, Wallace Emerson Community Centre

1260 Dufferin Street (west side, just south of Dupont) at Galleria Mall


DIG IN Monthly meeting

Tuesday May 10, 2011

Meeting starts promptly at 7pm

Items for Discussion

  1. BIG on Bloor Festival
  2. Proposed privatization of recycling collection (Andy Arfin, Public Interest group)
  3. 14th division re: recent home invasion and burglary
  4. Campbell Avenue resident concerns – representatives from 11th division and the Municipal Licensing and Standards Division
  5. Development (Lansdowne Ave, Bloor St.)

Adjourn 8:30pm to Boo Radley’s (NW corner Dupont & Campbell)