The Dig In Weblog

DIG IN initiates inclusive community and cultural plans and actions that will contribute to sustaining a neighbourhood that is GREEN • CLEAN • SAFE • CIVIL by fostering improvements in the areas of its social, environment, cultural, economic and physical make up. Please join our Mailing List / Yahoo Group.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Video: November 8 2011 DIGIN meeting with Ana Bailao, Jonah Schein, and Andrew Cash

November 8 2011, monthly DIGIN meeting ( featuring Davenport federal MP Andrew Cash, Davenport provincial MPP Jonah Schein, and Ward 18 Davenport city councillor Ana Bailao. Moderated by Jeff Winch.

Video by Vic Gedris, shot on an old compact digital camera, so apologies for the audio/video quality. The video cuts out briefly twice, as the camera has 2GB file size limits (I don't think much was missed).

And a few photos:

Ana Bailao

Andrew Cash

Jonah Schein

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

DIGIN Meeting - Tuesday November 8

Tuesday 8 November 2011 @ 7pm

DIG IN Meeting

Ambrico Room, Wallace Emerson Community Centre

1260 Dufferin Street (west side, just south of Dupont) at Galleria Mall

The November meeting will provide a rare opportunity for residents of Davenport to discuss the roles of our three elected representatives with:

MP Andrew Cash (elected May 2011)

* MPP Jonah Schein (elected October 2011)

Ward 18 Councilor Ana Bailão (elected October 2010)

They will be at the meeting to talk about their responsibilities as members in each of the three levels of government. The focus of the evening is to discuss where their jurisdictions begin and end and where there is overlap and opportunity for collaboration to improve our riding.

Meeting Agenda:

- Greetings and introductions. 10 minutes.

- Responsibilities of each member in relation to 6 major areas of concern. About 12 minutes per:

- Health Care

- Education

- Environment

- Public Transit

- Child Care

- Housing

- Further business and discussion of December’s meeting.

* Jonah’s attendance is still unconfirmed at the time of this posting.