The Dig In Weblog
DIG IN initiates inclusive community and cultural plans and actions that will contribute to sustaining a neighbourhood that is GREEN • CLEAN • SAFE • CIVIL by fostering improvements in the areas of its social, environment, cultural, economic and physical make up. Please join our Mailing List / Yahoo Group.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007
South Junction Triangle Residents Association
Jack Fava and some other local residents have started a new residents association. He writes:
We have a temporary exexcutive made of 7 residents. We had a meeting and voted. We had a show of less then 50 residents yesterday even though it rain people came out, we were expecting more but we were happy of the turn out and also happy that we were able to continue.
The name of the group is called
SOUTH JUNCTION TRIANGLE RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION, the boundries are the rail road tracks to the West, the tracks to the east, the tracks to the north of dupont and bloor to the south. We also had the pleasure of meeting two other groups which live north of bloor south of rankin, i did not know they even excisted until yesterday, anyhow came out to support us. We went around really quick and asked residents about there concerns many said, SAFETY, CRIME, DEVELOPMENT, GREEN SPACE AND ENVIRONMENT. We also felt we have been ignored or excluded, bloor street between lansdowne to dundas west, we are a very important part of bloor, we are the access way to lansdowne and going east and to dundas and bloor going west, we also have many children and people that go to school or the dufferin mall. We have also noticed that we do not have no festive(christmas) lights on the light poles or we are never included in events, i guess mainly due to not having a BIA, hopfully this will change in the future, we have many willing and concern residents residents, it can only get better.
Labels: bloor, community groups, South Junction Triangle Residents Association
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Garbage Day?
A photo from fall of last year. There are so many charming semi-detached homes in the neighbourhood. It's at times quite amazing how different two houses that share a common wall can be.
Ossington Old Orchard Public School Fund Raiser
From the mailing list, we have word of a fund raiser this Friday. It should be a nice way to start your weekend.
Ossington Old Orchard Public School [380 Ossington Ave.] is holding its biggest fund raiser of the year this Friday, November 23, from 3:30pm to 7:30pm. Please come out and support us in raising money for the school. And... have some yummy food, buy some early gifts, do some Karaoke (or the hokey pokey), win yourself some prizes and fantastic auction items, and turn yourself around... make some ceramics, and chill out and listen to live music in our Blizzard Lounge (Laura Repo's hosting, folks!). That's what it's all about!
Labels: bloor, community events, fund raiser, ossington, school, Toronto
Friday, November 16, 2007
Bloor and Lansdowne
The Coffee Time at the corner of Bloor and Lansdowne can be best described as infamous.
Dig In has a new chair
At Tuesday's Dig In meeting, it was announced that Ann Homan would be stepping down as Dig In chair so she can focus more on the Big on Bloor festival, which is scheduled to take place on June 21, 2008.
Long-time Dig In member Donna Cowan is the new chair.
Labels: Dig In
A positive experience at Ely's Beauty Salon
More about Ely's Beauty Salon. A friend of Dig In writes:
Just wanted to give a plug to a local business. Ely's Beauty Salon set up shop just over a year ago at 652 Lansdowne (at Wallace, beside Peppers). I decided to give it a try this week and was really impressed.
I was really pleased with the cut and colour I received and the price was much cheaper than that charged at the salon I usually trek to downtown.
I'd highly recommend Ely. She's really personable and interesting. She emigrated to Canada from Equador. with her parents and siblings in 1986. In Equador, she studied to be a social worker at university. She worked with women and young people in trouble with the law before coming to Canada.
Her social work credentials weren't accepted here and because her English was limited, she spent her first five years here working in a factory. She says those were the worst five years of her life. She ended up going back to school and getting trained as a stylist.
Her prices are great. Here's an idea of what she charges:
Women's hair cut - $18
Men's cut - $14
Kids' cut - $12
Colour $45
Root touch-up $30
Esthetic services are also available, including:
Eyebrow shape wax - $10
Manicure - $15
Pedicure $25
The greatest thing is that Ely is located just around the corner from my home. Her number is 647-436-6071
Labels: Bloor Lansdowne, local businesses
Ely's Hair Salon
Ely's just North of Bloor on Lansdowne (652 Lansdowne Avenue to be exact) has been getting some praise on the Dig In Mailing List. Theresa brought it up first, suggesting people check it out; Diana went their recently and confirmed it's a great place to get your hair cut.
Labels: Bloor Lansdowne, business, local, Salon, Toronto
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Sharrows on Lansdowne
The sharrows that were painted on Lansdowne between Bloor and College are being discussed by bicyclists: Sharrows Installed on Lansdowne Ave.
PLEASE NOTE: Dig In has never taken a stand on the Lansdowne road-narrowing controversy, but the issue has been debated on the Dig In discussion list.
Labels: bike, Bloor Lansdowne, Toronto
Splash Party Video
The July 5 Splash Party was part of the Better Bloor Project.
Labels: Better Bloor Project, Bloor Lansdowne, clean, splash party, Toronto, video, youtube
mark and lex and the big round convex
The Value Village has to be one of the neighborhoods biggest draws. Unfortunately, you can walk from Lansdowne station to the Value Village and back without ever getting a chance to check out the other shops in the area.
Mural on Bloor and Lansdowne
A mural at the corner of Bloor and Lansdowne. Since I took the photograph, Dyan Marie has filled in the empty billboard with a Greenspots "advert", featuring Vine People.
I have been told there are 3 more murals just like this one along Bloor. I think this mural adds some much needed colour to the corner or Bloor and Lansdowne.
Labels: Dyan Marie, Greenspots, local art, Vine People
Illegal Signs at Bloor and Lansdowne
Ramanan discusses the illegal billboard on the Municipal Housing just West of Lansdowne: Illegal Signs at Lansdowne.
Labels: advertising, billboards, Bloor Lansdowne, illegal signs, Toronto
Deep-rooted love for trees
GreenHere gets some positive press from the Toronto Star: Summer program turns teens into advocates for more green spaces in their neighbourhood.
Labels: Bloor Lansdowne, GreenHere, Toronto